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Schedule your time with a counselor today.

educational planning, career planning, and personal counseling

Academic Advising and Counseling

A Counselor Can Help You

  • Discover resources and tools available to help build your schedule, complete enrollment and receive help with coursework each semester.
  • Learn how to get involved in Student Senate, clubs and orgs, athletics, study abroad, service-learning, honors and other leadership programs.
  • If there’s a hold on your account due to test scores, academic probation or suspension, you are required to meet with a counselor.
  • Choose or change your major and stay on track for graduation.
  • Ensure a smooth transfer process to another institution

Personal Counseling

Sometimes personal issues can affect academic progress. Counselors provide a safe and confidential environment to talk about personal concerns. We advocate for students and assist with personal issues and make referrals to appropriate agencies when needed.